Sunday, February 10, 2008

Living with Depression

If you're living with epilepsy you're living with depression. The two go hand in hand. If only because seizures are so traumatic, both mentally and physically.

I recently found a web site I thought might help with the little things. . .

I'll try to write more on the subject - I count myself an experienced expert.

How to get Shit Done when you're depressed. Click here.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Suicide risks

Be aware: F.D.A. Finds Increase in Suicide Symptoms for Patients Using Seizure Medications

One of the drugs I liked - Depakote, along with Lamictal, Topamax, Keppra, Lyrica and Neurontin have been linked to increase suicide.

Neurontin, as best as I can remember, does absolutely nothing to help with seizures and I’m not too sure why they even prescribe it at all. A few years ago I read a piece about how some families were suing the makers of Neurontin for that very reason. It did nothing.

It’s important to self evaluate your mental state while taking these drugs. The Depakote helped relieve me of grand-mal’s but it does this by slowing down my mental functions. It slows down the brain - which lessens the chance of a missfire. The bad part is, you do think slower. I suppose most of these drugs do the same. Thinking slower may work against seizures, but it’s not easy on your psyche. You begin to question who you are.

Self evaluation is needed because if you get depressed, thinking slower only strengthens the sadness. (Especially if alcohol is involved.) It’s a nasty combination. Do yourself a favor and get on another drug if depression takes over.

I know, you don’t want to go to the doctor again and fool with that. Just do it. You don’t have to be living with depression. Slug thru it and keep going.

And remember, if you ever really feel like killing yourself - e-mail me your phone number at tomkorioth at yahoo dot com. You don’t have to keep feeling like that. I know, it sucks.